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etta atlantic memorial hospital lekki lagos

The recovery period following a mastectomy (after a breast cancer operation) is a crucial phase that requires proper care and support. Understanding what to expect and how to navigate the healing process can help you have a smoother and more comfortable recovery. In this article, we will explore postoperative care after a mastectomy, including wound care, pain management, physical therapy, and emotional support. By being prepared and proactive, you can promote healing, manage any potential side effects, and ensure a successful recovery.

etta atlantic memorial hospital lekki lagos

HIV/AIDS is a global health crisis that affects men, women, and children alike, but the impact of the disease on women is unique and significant. Women, particularly those living in low- and middle-income countries, are disproportionately affected by HIV/AIDS. Understanding the gender-specific issues related to HIV/AIDS is crucial for developing effective prevention and treatment strategies for women. This article will delve into the intricacies of dismantling the stigma surrounding HIV/AIDS and women.

etta atlantic memorial hospital lekki lagos

Preparing for mastectomy can feel overwhelming, both physically and emotionally. However, understanding what to expect and taking proactive steps can help alleviate anxiety and ensure a smoother experience. In this article, we will guide you through the important aspects of preparing for a mastectomy, including preoperative evaluations, discussions with your healthcare team, pre-surgery instructions, and available support networks. By being prepared, you can approach your mastectomy with confidence and peace of mind.

etta atlantic memorial hospital lekki lagos


Childbirth is a miraculous and life-changing event, but for many women living in developing countries, it can also be a life-threatening one. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that approximately 303,000 women die each year due to complications related to pregnancy and childbirth, with 99% of these deaths occurring in low- and middle-income countries. This staggering number represents a huge disparity between the developed and developing world, where maternal mortality rates are 14 times higher. In this article, we will delve into the risks associated with childbirth in developing countries and discuss strategies for ensuring safe delivery for mothers and their newborns, with an emphasis on the most recent data available.

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22 Abioro Street, Ikate
Lekki, Lagos State

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Etta Atlantic Memorial Hospital Logo

22 Abioro Street, Ikate
Lekki, Lagos State

Call us now if you are in a medical emergency need, we will reply swiftly and provide you with a medical aid.



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